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BEING ME retreat - a power journey for women

sön 29 maj


Idöborg, 130 36 Nämdö, Sverige

For the woman who's been stuck in her head and is ready to know herself underneath the conditioning, embody her true power, and fall in love with her unique expression. Six days of deep sustainable shift and feeling fully alive.

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BEING ME retreat - a power journey for women
BEING ME retreat - a power journey for women

Tid och plats

29 maj 2022 15:00 – 03 juni 2022 13:00

Idöborg, 130 36 Nämdö, Sverige

Om evenemanget

For the first time, the online program BEING ME takes the shape of an in-person retreat. 6 days, 5 nights on our own island in the Swedish Archipelago. I'm deeply excited to invite you on this journey where you get to meet with your full potential!

Below is a summary of what you'll get to experience, shift, and expand into at the retreat. If you want the full retreat info and claim your spot, go here. The retreat is taught in English with an international group but we are several Swedish speaking staff and attendees.

You, your unique journey, and your felt experience are at the center of this retreat. No one will force you into a new box. Your kinks, quirkiness, shame, and embarrassments are equally celebrated with your strengths, beauty, and wisdom. You’ll receive powerful activating practices to explore who you are underneath the old conditioning and step into an iteration of yourself you feel deeply excited about.

There will be room for processing, experiencing and major expansion, as well as deep rest, integration, and play.

 Embodiment - Getting out of your head and into the direct experience of yourself

 Embodiment is the thread weaving the tapestry of our week together. You'll get to play and explore movement and feeling every morning in our movement sessions and get guided to embody suppressed emotions, deep relaxation and new aliveness. If you've found yourself taking in concepts and teachings, and have a history of escaping to your thinking mind, this will be big medicine. If embodiment already is a priority for you, you'll be guided deeper than you've ever been.

Shadow integration - Embracing what's been hidden in your underworld

Jung wrote: “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” This is where you, like Persephone, journey into the underworld of your unconscious to find the lost selves, welcome them and meet their needs. As Queen of the underworld, there's nothing that can hold you back. You'll find that the darkness is black gold. You'll get guided into shadow integration processes in a regulated way, where your nervous system gets to lead the way.

Energy Activation - Fuel your energy body and get high on life force

This is where it gets seriously fucking fun. During our week, you'll feel new levels of bliss, gratitude, and love, as well as playing with activating the courtesan, your higher self, taboo personas, and other archetype energies that are available to step into. You'll get initiated with elemental energies and learn how to fuel your life force energy from fire, water, earth, and air, as well as embodying these energies. We'll do Pussy and Heart Activations, and strengthen the connection between the two.

Sisterhood - Heal the sister wound and experience connection and support from other women

If you have felt cautious, like you're putting on a mask or being pulled into patterns you don't enjoy when being around other women - you're not alone. Most women that show up to Being Me say "I've never felt comfortable in groups of women." Thing is, we're the ones missing out on not having nurturing sisterhood, and we're the ones who can change it. You'll get guided to see and release old hurt and practice receiving and trusting the caring and fierce support of other women.

On a power journey, you’re able to uplevel in ways that might have taken you several years working through on your own. We will use ceremony, feeling, inventory, laughter, our attention, and every bit of awareness to move beyond the emotions and fears of limiting beliefs in the mind.

After our week together... 

You’ll leave feeling deeply turned on by life. Trusting and ready to receive it all, whether it’s deep rest, vulnerable honesty, or leaping into your wildest dreams.

You’ll leave feeling pleasure from being in your body and a deepened connection to your true wantings and desires.

You'll leave with clarity on what you need and what path to follow moving forward, and with a new compass to navigate all life events.

Then we launch our consciousness deep into the wisdom of the divine feminine.

You’ll leave with a new sense of wholenessaliveness, and love for yourself.

Caution… This might become your new way of operating and you might never want to go back...

Eva Beronius 

Transformational Teacher Called a soul-doula and a power house. Eva has helped hundreds out of old limiting patterns and into an expansive experience of life. With high integrity she embodies what she teaches. She is the founder of Self Mastery and Beyond and the praised online programs Beyond the Mind and Being Me. She is the co-founder of the Self Mastery Community. You can hear her in the Uncover YOU podcast.

Cecilia Beronius

Assisting Teacher Cecilia will be answering your questions about the practices and your process, and host a daily sharing session. As an Embodiment Coach, she is dedicated to connecting you with your body, your whole being and all your inner resources. If you want to add to your retreat experience, you can buy a personal coaching package with Cecilia.

Prices and information:

Shared double room: $1950 (USD)

Single room: $2195 (USD)

More info:


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